AWMP Hammond Organs & Leslie Speakers LLC
AWMP Hammond Organs & Leslie Speakers LLC
The Hammond Organ and Leslie Speaker Enthusiast and Restoration Specialist!
NATIONWIDE Service Calls & Restorations
Hammond Organ Restoration
Provided to organs purchased and upon request for organs already owned.
"Let's make music ministry SPECTACULAR in your church!"
1. Drawbars
- Cleaned and polished
- Replaced where necessary
- Re-soldered where necessary
- De-oxidized
- Lubricated
- All hardware tightened, adjusted, and replaced where necessary
2. Keyboards (Swell and Great Manuals) - pictured below
- Preset Keys cleaned, polished, and assembly re-greased
- Playing Keys cleaned and polished
- All keys tightened and replaced where necessary
- Manual Rails replaced if necessary
- Up-stop and Down-stop Felts replaced
- Key Combs replaced where necessary
- Manual Buss Bars removed, polished, and lubricated with Hammond Buss Bar Lube
- Interior compartments vacuumed and cleaned
3. Pedal Board
- Cleaned and polished
- Regulated
- All hardware tightened, adjusted, and replaced where necessary
- Up-stop, Down-stop, and Side Felts replaced where necessary
- Pedal Pushers adjusted and replaced where necessary
4. Pedal Switch Assembly - pictured below
- Cleaned
- All actuators de-oxidized and lubricated
- Re-felted
5. Expression Pedal Assembly
- All hardware tightened and replaced where necessary
- Missing parts replaced where necessary
- Re-matted if necessary - pictured below
6. Pre-amplifier (AO-10/28/35/39)
- All electrolytic can capacitors replaced
- All resistors and fixed capacitors replaced
- All tube sockets de-oxidized
- All tubes replaced
7. Start Motor, Run Motor, Scanner, and Tone Generator lubricated
8. Start/Run Switches replaced if necessary
9. AC Wire replaced if necessary
10. Power Cord replaced if necessary - pictured below
11. OBX Outlet Box replaced if necessary
12. Cabinet Finish (Complete Restoration) - pictured below
- Stripped
- Sanded
- Re-colored
- Stained
- Given three (3) coats of polyurethane clear coat finish
- All hardware cleaned and polished
- All missing components and hardware replaced
- Pedal board and Bench re-finishing included
The above list covers the major restorations, repairs, and servicing done to the organ console. Other miscellaneous adjustments and corrections are also thoroughly attended to.